Executive Coach for Personal Growth & Organizational Leadership

As executive coach and trusted advisor to support C-suite leaders of growth companies, we provide customized and personalized 1:1 leadership coaching to CEOs, founders, and organizational leaders.

TEP stands for “Transform Executive Potential”.

We deliver results:


  • 60% higher workforce satisfaction & retention
  • 19% higher productivity and efficiency
  • 15% higher customer satisfaction
  • 27% higher revenue

TEP helps leaders realize their potential, so they can transform and grow their organizations.

From the old, to the new.

From friction to flow.

We are the executive coach for leaders in various industries

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  • High Tech, AI, SaaS
  • Renewable energy, green tech
  • Telecommunications, cloud computing
  • Manufacturing, chemical industry, engineering
  • Public utilities, energy
  • Healthcare, pharmaceutical
  • Airlines, transportation, logistics
  • Other B2B, B2C services
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Dr. Vic, TEP.Global is an executive coach for CEOs & C-suites, and an expert on people management, talent assessment, organizational leadership.

TEP Executive coaching promises breakthroughs:

  • Being in touch with yourself
  • Owning your power
  • Activating potential
  • Becoming a better leader

As your trusted advisor, executive coach, and organizational consultant.

Next, We Help Leaders Diagnose, Transform, and Energize their Organizations:


Instead of treating organizational symptoms, TEP uses a PEOPLE-CENTERED perspective and lens to directly address the root causes of inefficiencies, stagnation, and misalignment. As the initial step for delivering results - “from friction to flow”, we first feel the heartbeat of an organization, to identify friction and/or energy blockages that diminish organizational vitality.

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We transform and energize people by introducing new ways of leading and managing teams, to unleash dormant productivity, to restore organizational harmony, and to activate organizational energy flow, by finding resonant frequencies that enable an organization to hum and buzz productively, and thrive.

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To sustain and multiply an organization’s health and energy for further growth, TEP continues to fine tune the leadership-workforce alignment and create cohesion and positive dynamics, so things can flow smoothly, effectively, and with new momentum.

This can be a self-sustaining, prolonged cycle of positive growth.

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I'm Dr. Vic, the workplace people expert. I founded TEP which stands for Transform, Energize, People, to create human centered organizations designed for the future of work.

As technology advances, the way we work is changing. We empower leaders to take care of their human capital.

TEP Team Members

Dr. Vic (Dr. Victor Porak de Varna) is a pioneer & thought leader in executive recruiting, human potential, workplace support & cohesion, organizational energy.

Dr. Vic Founder, CEO, Chief Coach

TEP.Global has a team of top management consultants in human resources, organizational psychology, human centric new work, executive recruiting & staffing.

Danielle P. Co-founder, Consultant

TEP.Global supports CHRO, SPHR, HR consulting with leadership training, employee training, employee retention for small businesses, mid to large size companies

Mark C. Talent Expert, Senior HR

TEP.Global offers executive recruiting, human centric company culture, workforce sourcing, leadership assessment & hiring, brand strategist & employer branding.

Joanne T. Branding, Marketing, Sales

What our clients say:

“Dr. Vic, what MAGIC did you do with my people? They now act like NEW people! Like enthusiastic new hires!”

“Before Dr. Vic rescued us, the CEOs were burned out. The managers were exhausted. The employees felt stuck and were unproductive. We thought we needed to fire most of them, restructure and hire new people, but Dr. Vic said we could revive the energy by doing things differently. Boy! He did magic to my company, it is now a happy and profitable business!”

“Dr. Vic has a way of pushing the ‘good button’ in a leader, and coaches leaders to do the same to those they lead.”

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Founder & Chief Consultant "Dr. Vic"

Dr. Vic, an experienced executive coach, people management & organizational leadership expert, was a lecturer and visiting fellow to Nobel Laureate in Behavioral Economics (Professor Vernon L. Smith).

TEP was founded a decade ago by Dr. Victor Porak de Varna, fondly nicknamed by his clients as “Dr. Vic”.

Dr. Vic’s distinguished and diverse education background:

  • a Doctor’s degree in communications;
  • a Master’s degree in business;
  • a Bachelor’s degree in information and technology;
  • 3 years of training in electrical engineering and computer science, at a top tech institute;
  • Lecturer, and visiting fellow to Nobel Laureate in Behavioral Economics (Professor Vernon L. Smith).
Dr. Vic, executive coach, people management and organizational leadership advisor coaches leaders of multinational corporations & private businesses.

Dr. Vic’s wide scope of work experience:

  • Talent management consulting and assessment expertise (20 + years)
  • Mentor, coach, and consultant in behavioral changes for people and organizations, applying human science and East West philosophies (10+ years)
  • Founder of a research center
  • Entrepreneurship experience in IT
Dr. Vic, executive coach, people management expert and organizational leadership advisor, with His Holiness Dalai Lama.

Dr. Vic’s other interests and talents:

  • Spiritual practice (eastern meditation and yoga (15+ years)
  • Musicianship - trained concert pianist (15 years)
  • User-centric software engineering (10+ years)
  • And other aspects of studies of humanity and human sciences