Dr. Vic of TEP.Global states that AI talent acquisition will be a new frontier for technology, focus on biases fed into AI data is a priority now.

AI talent acqui ition will be a new frontier for technology Before AI i ready to tackle recruitment, focu on bia e...

1st August, 2024

Workplace learning ha never been more important To keep pace, organization need to develop a “learn it all”...

24th July, 2024

AI i n’t coming to HR, it' already here  Leader and organization need to be ready for the change...

14th June, 2024

A Chief People Officer (CPO) lead a human centered organization' culture, people trategy, employee engagement,...

31st January, 2024

In the age of AI, developing people i both the mean and the end of AI tool , and people trategy hould unite...

4th January, 2024