Nonverbal communications include touch, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, artifacts, clothes, hairstyle, kinesics, proxemics, eye contact - Dr. Vic.

Nonverbal communication include all the way people expre them elve without word   Expre ion , ge ture , and tone...

28th August, 2024
Dr. Vic of TEP.Global states that AI talent acquisition will be a new frontier for technology, focus on biases fed into AI data is a priority now.

AI talent acqui ition will be a new frontier for technology Before AI i ready to tackle recruitment, focu on bia e...

1st August, 2024

Adaptive leader hip help organization meet tran formative change when there i no “playbook” to rely on  Thi...

27th June, 2024

Team dynamic can make or break a group The key to building po itive dynamic i to create afety for ri k taking and...

24th May, 2024

A non-compete agreement are under more crutiny organization hould con ider alternative uch a Confidentiality,...

15th May, 2024

Embracing cultural identity for an inclu ive and diver e workplace require proactive leader hip, education, and long...

15th April, 2024

A chief people officer need the backing of the entire C- uite, the CPO Executive Team and the extended team to ucceed...

25th March, 2024

Human centered organization need to find flexible olution for employee mi matched with their working environment A...

22nd March, 2024

Toxic employee can damage workplace team work, morale, culture, and organizational health Here are ome tip for...

27th February, 2024

From the indu trial age "work-life-balance", to the po t pandemic new normal of "work and life", leader need to...

23rd February, 2024