Workplace learning ha never been more important To keep pace, organization need to develop a “learn it all”...

24th July, 2024

Team dynamic can make or break a group The key to building po itive dynamic i to create afety for ri k taking and...

24th May, 2024

People who feel a en e of belonging in the workplace perform better and produce better re ult   Organization can...

23rd April, 2024

From the indu trial age "work-life-balance", to the po t pandemic new normal of "work and life", leader need to...

23rd February, 2024

A Chief People Officer (CPO) lead a human centered organization' culture, people trategy, employee engagement,...

31st January, 2024

An organization fir t need to develop a people trategy for people development, which i different from HR trategy,...

18th January, 2024

Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...

16th December, 2023
TEP.Global provides employers with a “road map” about how to set each new hire up for success, in an “Individual Operating Manual” (IOM) after job interviews.

TEP goe the extra mile for human centered organization ' employee development: It provide employer with a “road...

5th December, 2023

Job interview in a human centered organization i to a e a candidate' intrin ic motivation , talent , kill &...

5th December, 2023

The ucce of a po t merger integration (“PMI”) lie in Pre M&A due diligence of finance, culture, people, and...

31st October, 2023