Organization need to return to hiring and promoting diver ity without di crimination, ba ed on MEI: merit, excellence,...
After reaching a peak, DEI i coming under increa ing crutiny by employer , court , and legi lature The rea on i...
Culture fit interview que tion can help find candidate with the attitude , value , and behavior needed to ucceed...
Workplace learning ha never been more important To keep pace, organization need to develop a “learn it all”...
Human centered organization need to find flexible olution for employee mi matched with their working environment A...
An organization fir t need to develop a people trategy for people development, which i different from HR trategy,...
Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...
TEP goe the extra mile for human centered organization ' employee development: It provide employer with a “road...
The ucce of a po t merger integration (“PMI”) lie in Pre M&A due diligence of finance, culture, people, and...
TEPGlobal offer fractional CHRO to growth companie , a a co t- aving olution for HR need and building their...