Nonverbal communications include touch, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, artifacts, clothes, hairstyle, kinesics, proxemics, eye contact - Dr. Vic.

Nonverbal communication include all the way people expre them elve without word   Expre ion , ge ture , and tone...

28th August, 2024

Culture fit interview que tion can help find candidate with the attitude , value , and behavior needed to ucceed...

21st August, 2024

Team dynamic can make or break a group The key to building po itive dynamic i to create afety for ri k taking and...

24th May, 2024

Embracing cultural identity for an inclu ive and diver e workplace require proactive leader hip, education, and long...

15th April, 2024

A chief people officer need the backing of the entire C- uite, the CPO Executive Team and the extended team to ucceed...

25th March, 2024

Toxic employee can damage workplace team work, morale, culture, and organizational health Here are ome tip for...

27th February, 2024

Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...

16th December, 2023

The ucce of a po t merger integration (“PMI”) lie in Pre M&A due diligence of finance, culture, people, and...

31st October, 2023

Leader hip con ulting by TEPGlobal, corporate executive to develop new c- uite kill , vi ion , and mind et, i the...

30th July, 2023
TEP.Global, led by Dr. Vic, a world class workforce management consultant, has uplifted many organizations' employee experience, productivity, and performance.

Workforce management require under tanding and u ing EQ, ubcon ciou ne , mindfulne , and p ychology to  create...

16th March, 2023