Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...

16th December, 2023

Organizational culture i paramount to growth, brand identity, and the tran ition to a human centered organizational...

13th October, 2023

Employee retention i a re ult of organizational development with future-ready talent trategy and employee engagement,...

9th March, 2023

Neuro cience in organizational development: create a workplace with le control, more freedom, tru t, motivation for...

25th February, 2023

HR con ulting by TEPGlobal & Dr Vic focu on people centered team dynamic , organizational culture, & trategic...

23rd February, 2023

The following i a lightly edited tran cription from the podca t di cu ion between Dr Vic and Danielle Porak De...

28th January, 2023