Executive coaching inve tment ha 8-fold ROI for leader , increa e individual performance by 70%, team performance by...

17th October, 2024

Adaptive leader hip help organization meet tran formative change when there i no “playbook” to rely on  Thi...

27th June, 2024

Embracing cultural identity for an inclu ive and diver e workplace require proactive leader hip, education, and long...

15th April, 2024

A chief people officer need the backing of the entire C- uite, the CPO Executive Team and the extended team to ucceed...

25th March, 2024

Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...

16th December, 2023
TEP.Global provides employers with a “road map” about how to set each new hire up for success, in an “Individual Operating Manual” (IOM) after job interviews.

TEP goe the extra mile for human centered organization ' employee development: It provide employer with a “road...

5th December, 2023

Dr Vic and Danielle di cu relation hip energy dynamic that are at work beyond the phy ical, acce ing the...

15th June, 2023
Dr. Vic of TEP.Global talks about how one sets the tone, positive or negative, for one's energy and those interacting with, and how to stay in touch with it.

Dr Vic and Dr Pat di cu how the "tone" of our live et the tage for our experience They explain how our energetic...

15th June, 2023

Employee retention i a re ult of organizational development with future-ready talent trategy and employee engagement,...

9th March, 2023

In a podca t interview of enior HR con ultant Mark Carr, by leader hip coach, executive recruiter Dr Vic, who i al o...

11th February, 2023