Executive coaching inve tment ha 8-fold ROI for leader , increa e individual performance by 70%, team performance by...

17th October, 2024

People who feel a en e of belonging in the workplace perform better and produce better re ult   Organization can...

23rd April, 2024

Human centered organization need to find flexible olution for employee mi matched with their working environment A...

22nd March, 2024

From the indu trial age "work-life-balance", to the po t pandemic new normal of "work and life", leader need to...

23rd February, 2024

An organization fir t need to develop a people trategy for people development, which i different from HR trategy,...

18th January, 2024

In the age of AI, developing people i both the mean and the end of AI tool , and people trategy hould unite...

4th January, 2024

Intrin ic motivation for individual to achieve high level performance at a workplace can be unlea hed by...

16th December, 2023

Leader hip attribute are key to leading ucce ful companie They can be acquired, haped, and improved with...

24th August, 2023

Leader hip con ulting by TEPGlobal, corporate executive to develop new c- uite kill , vi ion , and mind et, i the...

30th July, 2023

Paradigm hift i needed to unlea h po itive energy of individual and organization in people centered workplace ,...

13th May, 2023