Dr Vic di cu e relation hip energy dynamic that are at work beyond the phy ical, acce ing our uncon ciou...
Dr Vic explore how the tone, frequency, re onance, & radiance create our world Learn how to rai e your vibration...
In thi in tallment of The Energy Paradigm/TEPGlobal Show, Dr Vic and Dr Pat di cu how we can di cover the paradigm...
Dr Vic, founder of TEPGlobal (formerly The Energy Paradigm), explain the un een (energetic) ide of life, how it...
Employee workplace engagement, incentive , and motivation: intrin ic factor matter more than perk , according to HR...
Emotional intelligence, mindfulne , & under tanding the p ychology of ubcon ciou ne can improve teamwork,...
Neuro cience and workplace environment in organizational development: le management and control, more freedom, tru t,...
Executive recruiter, talent trategi t Dr Vic, who i al o the founder and CEO of TEPGlobal, and enior HR con ultant...